
It’s 2012. I sit in my parents cellar where I’ve set up a small recording room - my guitar, a drumset and a bass that I borrowed from a friend. I always felt that autumn is a fabulous time to write music, with all the red and yellow leafs falling to the ground, somehow picturing a lifecycle in its most beautiful way. So I put all the hope that is left inside of me into my guitar and sing along.

That is when »When Are Friends« is written.

Eight years and many new songs later, I decided it’s time to no longer keep these songs to myself and release them to the public. I called my old friend Daniel Benyamin, who by that time had just finished working on his solo album »Solitarity« after successfully touring multiple consecutive years throughout Europe with his former band project »SEA + AIR«.

Daniel had recently moved to Berlin, so we met there and he helped me finish my demo songs in his studio. »It’s time for you to form a band now« is the most valuable advice he gave me right before I left again.

With a global pandemic happening, it took until April 2021 until Bastian joined for the drums. Luckily, he not only was willing to try out playing in an indie-flavoured band for the first time but also he had rehearsal room where we could meet regularly and start playing the demo songs from Berlin together.

Once we were comfortable doing that, it was time to grow again. Michael joined the band on bass and it immediately clicked between the three of us. It was also the first time when we wrote new songs again, this time as a band. But something was still missing.

In September 2021, Benjamin joined. It’s kind of a cliche, but he was our missing piece. This band was meant to be four headed and now we finally were.

We didn’t have to get used to each other or learn how to play together, we just did. A few songwriting sessions later, we recorded our live session in our rehearsal room in Bamberg, which was meant to be our very first release: four people, four songs, all played live in one take. No cuts, no dubs. Just put the energy of the room into the music. A tiny mistake here and there? Leave it there, it's an imperfection. We're not perfect and as a band, we never wanted to take ourselves too serious.

Following the release of our Live Session EP in March 2022, we also played our very first live show. These were arguably one of the most important milestones in this band's history: until anyone actually hears what you've been working on, it's just a dream and a distant thought of »maybe, just maybe, someone else might like this«. But once your music is out there, it gets real.

Luckily, in our case, we found a few people who liked what we did.

We're thankful for everyone supporting us as a band, but there is a few people that deserve a personal mention. Read here.